Which best describes stem cells?
  • stem cells can only come from embryos
  • stem cells can only come from adult bone marrow
  • stem cells do not ever change
  • stem cells can develop into different specialized cells
What is the primary purpose of using restriction enzymes in gel electrophoresis?
  • It restricts the number of base pairs that can be tested in a sample.
  • It makes the testing simpler by moving the strands into the gel faster.
  • It allows the DNA strands to be charged so the electrical current can send the strands into the gel.
  • It allows the strands of DNA to be cut into various lengths for testing.
Which are most closely related to biotechnology?
  • medicine and agriculture
  • construction and engineering
  • water treatment and electricity generation
  • communication and information technology
A genome is
  • part of a chromosome
  • a gene inserted into a chromosome of bacteria
  • a sequence of units in a short segment of DNA
  • the complete sequence of an organism’s DNA
What was the first cloned animal?
  • Dolly the Sheep
  • Robby the Rat
  • Milton the Mouse
  • Beth the Goat
Why is DNA fingerprinting used?
  • To determine who is the child's father
  • Link suspects to a crime scene
  • determine if a family relationship exist between two people
  • all of the above
Which is a transgenic organism?
  • a mutation in an animal cell
  • an animal cell with no mutation
  • bacteria with antibiotic resistance
  • a plant with bacterial DNA
Which best describes recombinant DNA?
  • DNA that has been deactivated by enzymes
  • DNA found in organelles other than the nucleus
  • inserted genes from one organism into another to direct it to produce a protein
  • genes developed when an egg nucleus and a sperm nucleus fuse to form a zygote
Which would be the benefit of a transgenic crop?
  • decreased drought tolerance
  • decreased disease resistance
  • increased resistance to pests
  • increased demands for nutrients
Which substance is cut by restriction enzymes?
  • DNA
  • carbohydrates
  • proteins
  • lipids
What do all organisms have in common?
  • They use DNA and RNA to pass on information.
  • They are all eukaryotes.
  • They are all prokaryotes.
  • They are genetically identical.
What does transgenic mean?
  • An organism that can change its genes at will
  • A stem cell that can differentiate into anything
  • An organism that has had another species' DNA put in it
  • A bacteria that reproduces asexually
Which is a concern of scientists when genetically modifying plants?
  • Plants will pass on diseases to animals.
  • There will be a decrease in biodiversity.
  • Plants will have a longer growing season.
  • There will be a decrease in revenue for pesticide manufacturers.
Which best describes a controversial issue associated with the use of genetically modified crops?
  • the use of genetically modified crops to increase potential yield
  • the short term use of genetically modified crops in famine stricken countries
  • the development of genetically modified crops which are resistant to herbicides
  • the long term effects which may arise from the use of genetically modified crops
Which area of biotechnology would most likely create ethical issues within human society?
  • insulin production by bacteria
  • organ cloning for use in transplants
  • genetic engineering to improve agricultural yields
  • DNA and forensic testing of crime scene evidence
Which was most likely the earliest way biotechnology was studied by humans?
  • finding evidence of crimes
  • making new medicines to cure sicknesses
  • discovering the cause of hereditary diseases
  • breeding better varieties of crops and livestock
Which of these is not a way in which biotechnology can benefit agriculture?
  • increase crop population
  • reducing the loss of crops to insects
  • producing better-tasting fruits
  • improving farm machinery
Which is a genetic engineering advancement directly related to a career in biotechnology?
  • improving solar energy collection
  • transporting textiles at higher rates
  • creating crop foods that resist insect pests
  • repairing historical sites with quality materials
What is the name of the international effort to sequence a human's DNA sequence?
  • The Gene Sequencing Project
  • The DNA Fingerprinting Project
  • The Nuremberg Trials
  • The Human Genome Project
Which of these is NOT a use for DNA Fingerprinting?
  • Identifying the person whose DNA was left at a crime scene
  • Determining the father of a child
  • Finding the likelihood of inheriting a genetic disorder
  • Figuring out which species are more closely related
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