Which of the following would be an example of paracrine signaling in animals?
  • neurotransmitter acetylcholine
  • hormone epinephrine
  • neurotransmitter norepinephrine
  • growth factor
For cells to stay alive they require what type of SA:V?
  • Large SA, Large V
  • Small SA, Large V
  • Large SA, Small V
  • Small SA, Small V
Which of the following is not a step in cell signaling?
  • reception
  • transduction
  • response
  • transport
When epinephrine binds to cardiac (heart) muscle cells, it speeds their contraction. When it binds to muscle cells of the small intestine, it inhibits their contraction. Which of the following best accounts for the fact that the same hormone can have different effects on muscle cells?
  • Cardiac cells have more receptors for epinephrine than do intestinal cells
  • Epinephrine circulates to the heart first and thus is in higher concentration around cardiac cells
  • The two types of muscle cells have different signal transduction pathways for epinephrine and thus have different cellular responses
  • Cardiac muscle is stronger than intestinal muscle and thus has a stronger response to epinephrine
All of the following statements about ligand-receptor complexes are true EXCEPT
  • A.  Most receptors exhibit ligand specificity.
  • Ligand–receptor interactions are reversible
  • Ligand–receptor interactions are reversible
  • Ligand-receptor complexes are most often formed in cell communication pathways in which participating cells are in direct contact
The 3 steps of signal transduction in order are
  • reception, transduction, response
  • response, transduction, reception
  • reception, response, transduction
  • transduction, reception, response
Which of the following can activate a protein by transferring a phosphate group to it?
  • cAMP
  • G proteins
  • phosphodiesterase
  • protein kinase
Of the following, a receptor protein in a membrane that recognizes a chemical signal is most similar to
  • the active site of an enzyme in the cytoplasm that binds to a specific substrate.
  • RNA specifying the amino acids in a polypeptide.
  • genes making up a chromosome.
  • an enzyme with an optimal pH and temperature for activity.
What is a G protein?
  • specific type of membrane-receptor protein
  • protein on the cytoplasmic side of a membrane
  • membrane-bound enzyme
  • relay protein
Which of the following is a chemical message that usually travels through the bloodstream to target cells?
  • hormone
  • local regulator
  • endocrine cell
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