Zat yang dapat digunakan untuk bahan bakar pesawat terbang adalah
  • propana
  • avtur
  • kerosin
  • solar
  • bensin
2 reactants which are dye (0.M) and OH- (1.0 M) reacts to form products. The rate law for this reaction is Rate = k[OH-]x[dye]y
  • True
  • False
The sum of the exponents to which the molar concentration in the rate law equation are raised is called
  • Order of reaction
  • Molecularity of reaction
  • Speed of the reaction
  • None of the above
Fora reaction,A+B —> Product; the rate law is given by, r =k [ A]1/2 [B]What is the order of the reaction?
  • 1
  • 1.5
  • 2
  • 2.5
Consider the following rate law: Rate = k[A]n[B]mHow are the exponents n and m determined?
  • by using balanced chemical equation
  • By using the subscripts for the formulas
  • By educated guess
  • By experiment
Rate = k[A]The rate constant in the rate law above is 0.5 L/mol·s. If the initial concentration of A is 0.1 M, how long will it take for [A] to drop to 0.M?
  • 0.7 s
  • 1.4 s
  • 2.8 s
  • There is not enough information given.
The rate law of the reaction 2N2O5 → 2NO2 + O2 is
  • r = k[N2O5 ]
  • r = k[N2O5 ]2
  • r = k[N2O5 ]0
  • r = k[NO2]4 [O2]
Which of the following are true of reaction rates?I. The overall rate law is determined by the fastest step of a reactionII. The presence of a catalyst will increase the number of molecules entering the transition stateIII. An increase in temperature will increase the rate of a reactionIV. Increasing the concentration of reactants will increase the rate at which products yield
  • I+IV
  • II + III
  • I+II+III
Given the following rate law, rate = k[A]2[B]if [A] were doubled, what must happen to [B] to keep the rate constant?
  • [B] must quadruple
  • [B] must double
  • [B] must be havled
  • [B] must be quartered
A+B →C+D ΔH = -202kj/molHow can above reaction be classified in terms of energy exchange during chemical change?
  • Combination reaction
  • Endothermic reaction
  • Transthermal reaction
  • Exothermic reaction
What is the rate equation of following chemical reaction?2NaOH + H2SO4 → Na2SO4 + 2H2O
  • Rate = k.[NaOH]2.[H2SO4]
  • Rate = k.[NaOH].[H2SO4]
  • Rate = k.[NaOH]2
  • Rate = k.[NaOH]2.[H2SO4]2
What is the degree of the following chemical reaction?4Al + 3O2 → 2Al2O3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
When you double the concentration of this reactant the rate of the reaction doesn't change. It is ______ order
  • First
  • Second
  • Zero
Which of the following is expressions represents correctly rate of following reaction?X + Y → Z + Q ΔH = +22kj/mol
  • Rate = +Δ[X] / Δt
  • Rate = +Δ[Y] / Δt
  • Rate = +Δ[Z] / Δt
  • Rate = -Δ[Q] / Δt
When following system is disturbed by addition of Nitrogen gas to the system container how does the system act?H2(g) + l2(g) ↔ 2HI(g)
  • System shifts product side
  • System shifts reactant side
  • System does nothing
When following system is disturbed by addition of Hydrogen gas to the system container how does the system act?H2(g) + l2(g) ↔ 2HI(g)
  • System shifts products side
  • System shifts product side
  • System does nothing
When following system is disturbed by removing of Hydrogen iodide gas to the system container how does the system act?H2(g) + l2(g) ↔ 2HI(g)
  • System shifts product side
  • System shifts reactant side
  • System does nothing
When following system is disturbed by heating the system container how does the system act?H2(g) + l2(g) ↔ 2HI(g) ΔH= -9.6kj/mol
  • System shifts product side
  • System shifts reactant side
  • System does nothing
When following system is disturbed by cooling the system container how does concentration of SO3 change?2SO2(g) + O2(g) ↔ 2SO3(g) ΔH= +9kj/mol
  • Increase
  • Deacreas
  • No change
When following system is disturbed by addition of Oxygen gas to the system container how does concentration of SO2 change?2SO2(g) + O2(g) ↔ 2SO3(g) ΔH= +9kj/mol
  • Increase
  • Deacrease
  • No change
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