What is pollution?
  • The addition of harmful materials to soil, air, and water
  • The wearing away of topsoil by wind or water
  • When dead plants and animals are broken down into humus
  • Planting the same crop in the same field every year
What can you tell from the color of a soil?
  • How well water will flow through it
  • What size particles it has
  • What shape its clumps are
  • What minerals are in it and whether it has organic materials
Why are the fine particles that make up air pollution more dangerous to humans?
  • They get stuck in our nose hairs and make us sneeze.
  • They are small enough to get all the way into our lungs and get stuck there.
  • They are so small that there are no problems breathing them in.
  • They are made up of pollen and other things that people are allergic to.
How can water pollution affect the rest of the ecosystem?
  • It can cause more floods and wash away habitats.
  • It can destroy food chains by killing the plants and animals that live in the water, making less food available to larger animals and humans.
  • It doesn't affect the rest of the ecosystem, only things that are in the water.
  • It can cause more erosion to happen along the shorelines.
Which of the following is not a law that was put in place to prevent or clean up pollution?
  • Endangered Species Protection Act
  • Montreal Protocol
  • Clean Air Act
  • Geneva Accord
What is soil fertility?
  • How much water soil can hold
  • The ability of a soil to grow plants
  • Whether the soil can have babies
  • Information about the soil, including its properties at different horizons
What is a soil horizon?
  • What the soil looks like from a distance
  • Information about the properties of a soil
  • The border between soil and bedrock
  • A layer in the soil with its own chemical and physical properties
What is a geyser?
  • A hot spring that erupts, shooting hot steam in the air.
  • A cold spring that creates a fountain
  • a type of spring
  • Both A & B
What is the most common method for removing groundwater?
  • a well bored into the zone of saturation
  • accessing the water table by use of low-grade explosives
  • building a water tower
  • damming up a river
Which of the following implies the same thing as the word "aquifer"?
  • zone of saturation
  • zone of aeration
  • zone of soil moisture
  • zone of twilight
A rapid growth of algae is called _______.
  • sinkhole
  • algal bloom
  • aquifer
  • plantation
Which BEST describes something you could do to reduce water pollution when disposing of household chemicals?
  • make sure they get into landfills
  • make sure they don't get enter storm drains
  • make sure to put them out with other trash
  • make sure to pour them down the sink
Which correctly describes something that can have both positive and negative impact on the environment?
  • building a dam
  • picking up litter
  • decreasing the use of chemical fertilizer
  • using less water at home
What is the best definition of a water table?
  • The level to which a river rises when it floods.
  • The top of the saturated zone in an aquifer.
  • The boundary between the land and the ocean.
  • The bottom of the saturated zone in an aquifer.
Which of the following is NOT true about groundwater?
  • Groundwater is the largest freshwater source on Earth.
  • Groundwater is the largest liquid freshwater source for humans.
  • Groundwater is freshwater beneath the Earth's surface.
  • Groundwater can maintain stream flow during the times of drought.
The top of an aquifer is known as the _________.
  • water table
  • glacier
  • artesian well
  • sinkhole
There is nothing we can do to stop pollution.
  • True
  • False
Water pollution occurs when ___________
  • harmful substances enter a water source.
  • industries reduce waste disposal.
  • industries dispose of waste safely and correctly.
  • people reduce, reuse, and recycle.
Some factors that produce soil pollution are
  • pesticides
  • waste produced by factories
  • All of above
Where is garbage taken after you throw it away?
  • to the ocean
  • to a landfill
  • to space
  • to a factory
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