Select the correct meaning of the given word. Bugaboo (noun)
  • A noise made by a baby
  • A noise made to scare someone
  • Something that causes laughter and merriment
  • Something that causes fear, trouble or annoyance
Select the correct meaning of the given word. Bric-a-brac (noun)
  • It's a nonsense word and it doesn't mean anything
  • It's slang for 'bring her back'
  • Small, ornamental objects that are of great monetary value and interest
  • Small, ornamental objects that are of little monetary value but of great interest or sentimental value
Select the correct meaning of the given word. Boondock (noun)
  • A remote, rural area usually covered with a dense undergrowth of small trees and bushes
  • A special part of the dock where ships unload or load
  • A village
  • A species of duck
Select the correct meaning of the given word. Baedeker (noun)
  • A type of non-stick coating used in pots and pans
  • A type of German hand pistol
  • A guidebook for travellers
  • A special ladder for climbing on roofs
Select the correct meaning of the given word. Brazen (adjective)
  • Showing or expressing boldness and an absolute lack of shame
  • A nicely braised piece of steak
  • A method of cooking meat
  • Showing stupidity and ignorance
Select the correct meaning of the given word. Brickbat (noun)
  • A cricket bat made out of brick
  • A broken part of something hard which is used for throwing at someone or something
  • A species of bat
  • A special building made for housing bats
Select the correct meaning of the given word. Baleful (adjective)
  • A large mound of straw
  • Something causing or threatening to cause harm
  • Something causing laughter
  • Expressing annoyance
Select the correct meaning of the given word. Bombilate (verb)
  • To continuously bomb someone or something
  • To seriously hesitate
  • To make a bombing noise
  • To make a humming or buzzing noise
Select the correct meaning of the given word. Bugbear (noun)
  • A species of bear
  • A species of insect
  • A source of obsessive or unfounded fear
  • A source of real fear
Select the correct meaning of the given word. Behemoth (noun)
  • Something that is very big or powerful
  • A species of moth
  • A Scottish word meaning 'To your health'
  • Something that is very small or weak
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