Which preposition(s) can the given verb take? You need only consider the given prepositions. Laugh
  • ONLY at
  • ONLY with
  • at, about, with
  • ONLY about
Which preposition(s) can the given verb take? You need only consider the given prepositions. Arrive
  • ONLY with, at
  • ONLY with, on
  • ONLY with, in
  • in, on, at
Which preposition(s) can the given verb take? You need only consider the given prepositions. Succeed
  • for
  • in
  • on
  • about
Which preposition(s) can the given verb take? You need only consider the given prepositions. Participate
  • in
  • for
  • at
  • about
Which preposition(s) can the given verb take? You need only consider the given prepositions. Insist
  • for
  • on
  • in
  • about
Which preposition(s) can the given verb take? You need only consider the given prepositions. Acquaint
  • with
  • of
  • to
  • at
Which preposition(s) can the given verb take? You need only consider the given prepositions. Congratulate
  • on
  • about
  • in
  • at
Which preposition(s) can the given verb take? You need only consider the given prepositions. Approve
  • for
  • about
  • in
  • of
Which preposition(s) can the given verb take? You need only consider the given prepositions. Involve
  • into
  • at
  • in
  • about
Which preposition(s) can the given verb take? You need only consider the given prepositions. React
  • ONLY to
  • to, against, with
  • ONLY against
  • ONLY with
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