If TEA and COFFEE are coded as 352 and 749955 respectively, which ONE of the following might be a possible coding for HOT CHOCOLATE ?
  • 134 714742653
  • 043 704741235
  • 834 084741531
  • 843 707413253
If LONDON, PARIS and MADRID are represented by 153463, 982382 and 75460 (but not in that order), what would be the correct code for SPAIN ?
  • 70625
  • 57026
  • 07562
  • 20756
The three languages SPANISH, ITALIAN and RUSSIAN are coded as 6214615, 7833615 and 3015639 ~ but not in that order. By cracking enough of the code, work out which of the following would spell LATIN:
  • 45236
  • 53847
  • 61728
  • 41265
ORANGE, APPLES and BANANA are 'spelt' 655947, 862626 and 036214 ~ but not in that order. Crack the code, and work out which ONE of the following would most probably NOT also be on sale at a greengrocer's.
  • 84627
  • 136547
  • 750214
  • 54637
Still on VEGETABLE MATTERS ( 742418954 3811460 ) : using this new code, which of the following does NOT directly refer to a growing (or grown) thing within the plant kingdom?
  • 148 16440
  • 548740
  • 746985
  • 9683954
KATIE'S FITNESS CENTRE (minus its telltale apostrophe, and with 'centre' spelt in British English) is coded as 281498 604587 3541877 ~ though clearly there is something wrong with the order of the actual words. Once you have cracked the code, work out which of these sports is NOT 'available within the centre'.
  • 481157
  • 609048
  • 528 7604513
  • 2952684
A musician or composer may be busy with some ORCHESTRATION (the art of arranging a piece for a variety of players at once, so that it balances well and makes full use of the 'sound colours' available). This may be coded asONE of the following instruments is recognisable but contains a couple of coding slips, while the rest should be fine. Which is the one with the mistakes?
  • 047382
  • 1473
  • 056253826
  • 27953068
The PLANT MAINTENANCE TEAM has wide-ranging responsibilities around a major building ... not just for Plants in the vegetal sense (as in an earlier Question), but the fabric of the building and all its fixtures and fittings, security, health and safety etc. Their code is 49715 27815617136Three of the following refer to matters for which the team is responsible; the other Answer is the name of the team's boss. Which one is the name?
  • 26579983 47815
  • 3745781 3962615
  • 2836 81 75583
  • 799 362615, 5896 653
Conveniently for us in this context, ALPHABETICALLY can be coded as 1234567890 ~ except that this time, we have left out of the number group any 'repeats' where a letter came more than once (such as A, here). ONE of the versions below is coded correctly to say I HELP PAPA BATHE THE BABY : which one?
  • 8 4623 3131 51746 746 5150
  • 8 4623 3131 51846 742 5150
  • 8 4632 3131 61745 748 5051
  • 8 4623 8181 71846 542 5150
Somewhere earlier on we mentioned Bletchley Park: the HQ of the World War 2 codebreaking operation which cracked the Nazis' electromechanical ENIGMA code ~ and probably served to shorten that war by a couple of years, once our Intelligence were able to decrypt enemy messages and work around their troop movements etc. Unfortunately for our present purposes, even if we ignore repeated letters, we cannot manage BLETCHLEY PARK using a mere two hands'-worth of cypher symbols ... ... but MILTON KEYNES (the nearest major place; a 'new town') is wonderfully obliging, since only 2 letters in the 12 are repeats. Let's code it as 657483By very happy coincidence, MILTON KEYNES is full of interesting potential letter combinations; so for our very final number-coding Question, you will get to know this particular temporary code rather well (unlike in an 11+ exam, where you handle a fresh one every couple of moments). But the added dimension here is that only ONE of these word-lists contains a slight mis-spelling; everything else is fine. So, as in real life, you are concentrating on what the 'clear' is saying, just as much as on the immediate mechanics of decyphering. Which group contains the mis-spelt word?
  • 26845837211 ; 566231540 ; 53187234 ; 9578483321 ; 938445214 ; 7514721170
  • 6514889 ; 6851423 ; 6883754 ; 68384830 ; 651472482 ; 6874233211
  • 101426 ; 1689570 ; 12654832 ; 186245621 ; 123154512 ; 18726354521
  • 4831571 ; 4857241 ; 298386514 ; 4231583 ; 48923516 ; 456272113211
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