Ecrivez quatre phrases en français sur la photo.
  • Write four words in French about the photo.
  • Write four sentences in French above the photo.
  • Write four words in French above the photo.
  • Write four sentences in French about the photo.
Il n’est pas nécessaire d’écrire en phrases complètes.
  • It is necessary to write in full sentences.
  • It is not necessary to answer in full sentences.
  • It is not necessary to write in full sentences.
  • It is necessary to answer in full sentences.
Ecrivez environ 150 mots en français.
  • Write approximately 150 words in French.
  • Write exactly 150 words in French.
  • Give roughly 150 answers in French.
  • Say the number 150 in French.
Choisissez deux phrases qui sont vraies.
  • Choose two sentences from each paragraph.
  • Choose two incorrect sentences.
  • Choose two correct sentences.
  • Choose two words from each sentence.
Répondez aux deux aspects de la question.
  • Listen to both parts of the question.
  • Write something about both bullet points.
  • Give two answers for each question.
  • Answer two questions per page.
Pour une opinion positive et négative, écrivez P+N.
  • For a right and wrong answer, write P+N.
  • For a positive and negative opinion, write P+N.
  • For a positive and negative opinion, list P+N.
  • For a positive and negative value, write P+N.
Attention ! Vous pouvez utiliser la même lettre plus d'une fois.
  • NB. You cannot use the same letter more than once.
  • NB. You can use the same letter more than once.
  • NB. You can only use each letter once.
  • NB. You must use each letter only once.
Identifiez la bonne personne.
  • Identify the correct person.
  • Identify the handsome person.
  • Find the right person.
  • Find the good person.
Décidez si c’est Vrai, Faux ou Pas Mentionné.
  • Decide if it is True, False or Not Mentioned.
  • Decide if it is Right, Wrong or Not Mentioned.
  • Decide if it is Factual, Fictitious or Not Mentioned.
  • Decide if it is Real, Imaginary or Not Mentioned.
Complétez le texte suivant avec les mots de la liste ci-dessous.
  • Write a sentence with words from the list below.
  • Write a sentence with words from the list above.
  • Complete the following text with words from the list above.
  • Complete the following text with words from the list below.
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