Which of the following is a reason why housing stock in a national park is usually more expensive than in surrounding areas?
  • Building new homes is restricted in national parks
  • Building new homes is more difficult as the roads in national parks are narrower than outside of the park
  • There are no restrictions on building in national parks
  • Houses in national parks are always bigger than outside of the park
Which of the following could be a push reason for rural to urban migration?
  • Wealthy urban residents buying rural second homes
  • People moving into the area from abroad
  • There are better jobs in urban areas
  • All of the above
Which of the following is not a factor that is likely to lead to rural depopulation?
  • MEDCs import food from abroad
  • MEDCs can afford to invest in rural communities
  • In MEDCs, there is a trend towards increased mechanisation of farming
  • Large farms are more competitive than small farms
In what way or ways is counter urbanisation bad for the environment?
  • New housing is built on greenfield sites
  • More fossil fuels are burned because more car journeys are needed
  • More rural air pollution is created
  • All of the above
Why are large retail centres often built on greenfield sites in the rural/urban fringe?
  • It makes shopping more pleasant so they get more customers
  • It makes it easy for people living in town to find them
  • It is better for the environment
  • It is cheaper and easier for the developers
Depopulation in remote rural communities leads to businesses closing down. People then notice a lowering of the quality of life and so even more depopulation occurs. This process is called ...
  • a cycle of decline
  • a circuit of decline
  • a circle of decline
  • a pentagon of decline
Which of the following are most likely to be involved in counter urbanisation?
  • Young adults
  • People of retirement age
  • Unemployed people
  • All of the above
Which of the following is not a push factor that leads to depopulation in remote rural areas of the UK?
  • No jobs
  • A lack of shopping facilities locally
  • Earn more money in an urban area
  • No social life
In some accessible rural areas, the population is increasing. This is called ...
  • client repopulation
  • rural repopularisation
  • contra-urbanisation
  • counter urbanisation
Counter urbanisation is good for a rural community in many ways but which of these is a disadvantage to local residents?
  • More young people in the community
  • Increases income for local shops
  • Increases traffic
  • Better mobile phone coverage
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