When referring to sea level rise we normally discuss melting ice. What other effect of global warming may lead to sea level rise and coastal flooding?
  • Increased rainfall
  • More pumping of water from flood events on land
  • Thermal expansion of the oceans as they warm up
  • Increase in river size
The North Atlantic Current brings warm water north to the UK. An increase in melting polar ice may push this current further south preventing that warmer water reaching us. What are the likely consequences of this change for the UK?
  • Much colder conditions and a decrease in the amount of rainfall
  • Much warmer conditions and more rain
  • Drier conditions leading to desertification and warmer summers
  • Little measurable impact on the weather as the current has little direct effect
17 million people in Bangladesh will be negatively impacted by climate change. What is the main risk that climate change poses to Bangladesh?
  • Desertification
  • Drought
  • Flooding
  • Increased ice
Roughly how many people's lives are threatened by flooding due to rising sea levels?
  • 80,000,000
  • 8,000,000
  • 800,000
  • 80,000
How is climate change likely to affect human migration patterns?
  • Populations will move away from cities as the flood risk increases
  • Populations will move away from the poles towards the warmer equator
  • People will move to low-lying coastal areas
  • Populations will move away from drought-stricken areas
What is the general trend in the change of seasons in the UK?
  • Growing seasons are getting longer, whilst winters are becoming wetter and with more extreme weather events
  • Winters are becoming warmer whilst summers are becoming colder
  • The seasons are becoming more regular. Overall everything is becoming warmer and drier
  • Storms are becoming an infrequent event due to the climate getting warmer
In 2008 Global CO levels reached 380ppm. If they reach 550ppm how much is it predicted that average global temperatures would rise in degrees Celsius?
  • 2o
  • 10o
  • 6o
  • 14o
How will climate change reduce the amount of fresh water available for drinking?
  • Increased flooding and rising sea levels will contaminate fresh water supplies
  • More water will be locked up as ice
  • Decreased rainfall will reduce the amount of fresh water
  • Increased evaporation will reduce the amount of water
Which of the following is a reason why climate change would impact major UK cities in particular when compared to more rural areas?
  • Warmer weather will increase pollution levels
  • Most UK cities are built around a port and vulnerable to rising sea levels
  • Longer growing seasons and changing conditions may lead to a change in farming practices
  • More extreme weather conditions will lead to river flooding. UK cities are often built up to the very edges of the river banks
How might global climate change impact the UK tourism-based economy in the short to medium term?
  • Continual flooding will force people to holiday elsewhere. It is likely that all parts of the tourism trade will be forced to close
  • Warmer conditions may encourage more people to stay at home, although skiing resorts in Scotland are unlikely to have snow for the winter season
  • Wetter conditions will reduce the chances for people to enjoy the countryside, although urban tourism will still be popular
  • Flooding in the south will encourage more people to move north, leading to a change in the tourist economy to the northern section of the UK
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