How is electricity generated for use in the National Grid?
  • By burning biofuels
  • By burning wood
  • By burning fossil fuels
  • By burning nuclear fuels
What is a wind farm?
  • A farm that produces wind
  • A farm that uses wind
  • A farm that uses a windmill to grind wheat and other crops to make flour
  • A collection of wind turbines that feed electricity into the National Grid
Why does Scotland have a higher percentage of electicity generated from hydro-electric schemes than other areas of the UK?
  • It has a high rainfall
  • It is windy
  • It is the most northerly country of the British Isles
  • It gets snow in the winter
Which of the following methods of energy generation is not considered as being sustainable?
  • Electricity generation from fossil fuels
  • Electricity generation from a solar cell
  • Using modified vegetable oil in place of diesel
  • Heating a home using a wood burning stove
In some countries, alcohol that has been fermented from sugar cane is added to petrol to make a biofuel. Which of the following is not a disadvantage of biofuels?
  • They don't contribute significant greenhouse gases to the atmosphere
  • Less land is available for food crop farming
  • Cars that run on petrol need to be converted to run on biofuels
  • It requires intensive farming
Which of the following would be a suitable location for a wind farm?
  • In a valley
  • On high ground
  • Alongside a river
  • On a hill in a national park
Why is the global demand for energy increasing?
  • Populations are increasing
  • More technology is available
  • Increased wealth
  • All of the above
Which of the following is not a way that an individual can help to reduce energy usage in an urban area?
  • Insulating their home
  • Using public transport instead of a car
  • Turning off the street lights for a few hours each night
  • Buying energy efficient appliances
Why is it important to find alternative ways to generate electricity?
  • To make electricity cheaper
  • To reduce the quantity of greenhouse gases entering the atmosphere
  • To get a better quality of electricity to use for charging up smartphones and tablet computers
  • To get rid of the National Grid
Which of the following is not a practical way of reducing the energy generation needs of an urban area?
  • Banning nightclubs and late night parties
  • Adding insulation to schools and public buildings
  • District heating schemes
  • Replacing older public transport vehicles
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