At the present time, scientists have discovered that the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air is ...
  • gradually increasing
  • gradually decreasing
  • staying the same
  • rapidly increasing
The greenhouse effect causes ...
  • climate change
  • an increase in the average temperature at the surface of the Earth
  • both of the above
  • neither of the above
What is believed to be the main human influence on the greenhouse effect?
  • Making buildings from sustainable wood
  • The increasing need for energy
  • Burning fossil fuels to supply our energy needs
  • Turning down the heating in homes
Why does the greenhouse effect cause climate change?
  • It causes the atmosphere to expand
  • It creates more air pollution in cities
  • It causes a lot of holes to appear in the ozone layer
  • There is more energy in the atmosphere
Which of the following is not a result of the greenhouse effect causing global warming?
  • Rising sea levels
  • Increased levels of acid rain
  • Increased occurrences of hurricanes
  • More droughts and flooding
The countries that emit the greatest percentages of greenhouse gases into the air are ...
  • MEDCs
  • LEDCs
  • MEDCs and NEEs
  • Southern hemisphere countries
Which of the following is a practical way to reduce human impact on the greenhouse effect?
  • Convert atmospheric carbon dioxide to carbon and oxygen
  • Extract the greenhouse gases from the air and shoot them into space on rockets
  • Carbon capture
  • Dioxide capture
Why is the greenhouse effect sometimes called the enhanced greenhouse effect?
  • The greenhouse effect is a natural occurrence, human activity is adding to it
  • The greenhouse effect is continually increasing
  • The greenhouse effect is naturally decreasing
  • More greenhouse gases are being added to the atmosphere whenever a comet passes close to the Earth
As well as burning fossil fuels, which one of the following is considered to be increasing the greenhouse effect?
  • Desertification
  • Overfishing
  • Green belt
  • Deforestation
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