Look at the data illustrated for this question. Which of the following are the mean, median and mode in that order?
  • 17.6, 2, 21
  • 21.2, 5, 12
  • 9.5, 8, 11
  • 9.7, 9, 11
The best way of presenting the data in this table would be (the figures are percentages):
  • as a table
  • as a scatter graph with trend line
  • as a pie chart
  • as a population pyramid
Look at the data illustrated. What could the geography student do to improve the accuracy and reliability of their data?
  • Select and record more pebble sizes at each point on the transect
  • Use a larger font for the results
  • Draw a scatter graph with a trend line
  • Choose the largest pebble found within 10 cm of each transect point
The graph shows the annual temperature as recorded at a weather station. In which hemisphere is the station located?
  • Northern
  • Eastern
  • Southern
  • Western
Which of the following statements about the graph is incorrect?
  • 2013 was a warmer than average year for the location
  • In 2013, spring temperatures were below average
  • The temperature range in 2013 was 20°C
  • The biggest difference in temperature to the average temperature came in September
Look at the data presented in the graph. Which of the following statements is NOT false?
  • There is a positive correlation between the crude oil price and the UK goods trade balance
  • There is a negative correlation between the crude oil price and the UK goods trade balance
  • There is a no correlation between the crude oil price and the UK goods trade balance
  • Between the years 2000 and 2010, crude oil prices and the UK goods trade balance have remained constant
The graph shows how the use of fuels changed over a 20 year period in the USA. How might carbon dioxide emissions have changed?
  • The emissions increased
  • The emissions decreased
  • There was no change in the emissions
  • The use of fossil fuels does not have any effect on carbon dioxide emissions
Which of the following statements about the population pyramid of Austria in 2015 is false?
  • Austrian men have a greater life expectancy than women
  • There are more males born than females
  • There are more people in their late 40s than in any other of the age groups
  • This shows that Austria is probably a MEDC
The graph shows the annual temperature as recorded at a weather station. Look at the mean temperature curve. What is the range of the data?
  • 16
  • 20
  • 36
  • 40
Two of the population pyramids in the picture represent LEDCs, they are most likely to be:
  • A and B
  • B and C
  • C and D
  • A and D
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