Flood plains provide fertile farming land and level sites for industry and settlements. How do flood plains form?
  • As meanders erode sideways and travel downstream they leave behind a flat wide valley bottom. During a flood event rich fertile alluvial soils are deposited there
  • As rivers flood they scour out the land either side of the flood plains, leaving behind a flat area for occupation
  • As people settled on the flood plains they removed the trees, leaving a deforested plain behind. Without the trees to control flooding these plains are subjected to flash floods
  • As rivers flood they deposit huge amounts of silt, filling up the narrow valley floor, leaving a wide valley bottom as the original valley fills up
Billabongs are a famous type of Australian habitat. These form when a meander bend is isolated from the main channel as a new channel is cut across the narrowed neck of a convoluted meander bend. What are these features more commonly known as?
  • Sink holes
  • Meander cut offs
  • River braiding
  • Oxbow lakes
Why is river discharge greater downstream?
  • Extra water from factories discharges into rivers
  • Extra water from the sea enters the channel
  • Extra water from tributary streams, surface runoff, throughflow and baseflow enters the river
  • Extra water enters the river as the ground water rises up from underground reservoirs
What is the name of the islands that form in the middle of a braided channel?
  • Eyots
  • Crannog
  • Hook and spit
  • Sand bars
What is a braided channel?
  • When two or more rivers meet or divide
  • When the main channel splits into smaller sub-channels
  • When meanders are cut off as the neck narrows
  • When the channel twists across the valley floor
Gorges, also known as canyons, are deep ravines. One of the most famous is the Grand Canyon in Arizona, with an average depth of 1 mile. Which of these is a way these gorges commonly form?
  • Waterfalls create deep plunge pools and as they retreat upstream they leave behind steep sided gorges
  • Rivers in arid regions erode vertically with little rain fall to erode the sides
  • Geological uplift and other geological processes form gorges
  • Glacial valleys are flooded due to rising sea levels
At what point on a meander bend does deposition occur?
  • On the inside of the meander bend
  • On the outside of a meander bend
  • At the start of the point where the meander turns
  • At the point where the meander ends
What is the name given to the point where two rivers meet?
  • Influence
  • Stanfluence
  • Gradfluence
  • Confluence
Fan-shaped river deltas arch out into the sea as the river splits into multiple distributaries. Which of the following is the other name for fan shaped deltas?
  • Cuspate
  • Arcuate
  • Bird’s foot
  • Habispate
As rivers move laterally across the floor of a flood plain they erode the banks to form sweeping curves. What is the term for these curves in the river channel?
  • Ox-bow lakes
  • Braided channels
  • Meanders
  • Rapids
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