What form does aid take?
  • Money only
  • Materials only
  • Skilled people and training of local people
  • All of the above
If poorer countries could process their raw materials into manufactured products, they could make more money from exports, so why does this not happen on a large scale?
  • There is no local workforce
  • Setting up to do this on a large scale takes a long time and money
  • The governments of LEDCs do not know how to do this
  • Local people campaign against it because they are worried about polluting the environment
If a country spends more on imports than it gains from export, it has a:
  • trade scales
  • trade balance
  • trade surplus
  • trade deficit
Some people think that giving aid to poorer countries is not a good idea. Which of the following is NOT an argument against giving aid?
  • Some aid is a loan and not a gift, poor countries may struggle to repay it
  • Corruption may lead to the aid being used by local politicians for their own use and does not reach the people for whom it is intended
  • Aid for agriculture is often used for large scale projects and so the smaller, more needy farmers do not benefit
  • It can be used to improve health and standards of living
Aid sent to a country following a major earthquake is described as being:
  • charity aid
  • long-term aid
  • short-term aid
  • development aid
Multilateral aid is given through:
  • the World Health Organisation only
  • the World Bank only
  • both the World bank and the World Health Organisation
  • OXFAM and other charities like Save the Children
Which of the following satements about international trade is correct?
  • MEDCs usually import primary products and export manufactured goods
  • MEDCs usually import manufactured goods and export primary products
  • MEDCs import very few products as they are self-sufficient
  • Primary products come only from LEDCs
The difference between the money gained from exports and the money spent on imports is called:
  • the balance of trade
  • the balance of payments
  • the balance of money
  • the trading economy balance
In the 1990s, the British government gave Malaysia a large sum of money to help them to develop a hydroelectric power scheme. In return, it demanded that Malaysia bought military supplies and weapons from the UK. What is this type of aid called?
  • Emergency aid
  • Conditional aid
  • Mutual aid
  • Charitable long-term aid
Fair trade products are becoming more widespread and include beverages, textiles, craft items and chocolate. Fair trade agreements ensure that the producer (or employees of the producer) receive:
  • a very large salary for the work they do
  • free food in exchange for their labour
  • a guaranteed and fair price for their product regardless of its price on the world market
  • a great deal of praise from their governments
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