Which of the following is the most likely to be different when drawing an urban model of a city in an LEDC?
  • There will be no CBD zone
  • There will be no industrial zone
  • There will be a green belt zone
  • There will be an illegal housing zone
What is the first zone on both the Burgess and Hoyt urban models called?
  • Central economic area
  • Central economic district
  • Central business area
  • Central business district
Which of the following best describes the Burgess urban model?
  • Concentric squares
  • Concentric circles
  • Tesselated hexagons
  • Sectors and segments of circles
How does the Hoyt urban model differ from the Burgess model?
  • It uses different colours
  • It takes into account sectors of similar land use concentrated in parts of the city
  • It is drawn to a more accurate scale
  • It shows the CBD as more accurate by using an irregular shape
Which of the following statements about cities in MEDCs is NOT usually true?
  • The oldest areas of a city are usually near the centre
  • The Hoyt model shows where sectors of industry have been developed along main access roads leading to the CBD
  • The oldest areas of a city are usually found in the urban rural fringe
  • The CBD is drawn at the centre of urban models
There are differences between the development of cities in poorer and richer countries. Which of the following is not correct?
  • In cities in LEDCs, the poorest housing is often at the edge of the city
  • Cities in MEDCs usually have large squatter settlements in their suburbs
  • There is often high-class housing close to the CBD in an LEDC city
  • Housing in the outer fringes of an MEDC city will often have gardens
The Hoyt urban model was developed because the Burgess model was becoming less useful. Which of the following is not a reason that geographers needed a new urban model?
  • Air travel meant that it was easier for cities to expand
  • Mass ownership of cars
  • Cities were more complex than the one on which the Burgess model was based
  • Housing and working trends changed over time
Which of the following types of house would you be most likely to find in a typical UK inner city?
  • Victorian terraces
  • Large detached houses
  • Modern development
  • Semi-detached houses with gardens
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a CBD?
  • Lots of green spaces
  • High-rise buildings
  • Good communications infrastructure
  • High land and property prices
Which of the following is least likely to be found in the urban rural fringe of a city?
  • Retail parks
  • High-rise office blocks
  • An airport
  • High-class housing
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