Mauna Loa, an active volcano of the Hawaiian islands, erupted inThe nearest town is Hilo which is 50 km away. Hilo was not evacuated during the eruption. Why not?
  • Hawaii is an LEDC and so the local authorities did not have the money to warn people
  • There are no motor vehicles on the island so it was not possible for them to evacuate
  • The local authority decided to leave the people of Hilo to sort themselves out
  • Mauna Loa eruptions produce only lava and so pose little or no threat to settlements
The Deccan Traps in India is an area of lava flows created when India was over the same hotspot that powers the large volcano on the Isle of Reunion. Some scientists believe that it could have been responsible for the extinction of the dinosaurs. Which of the following effects would be the most likely to have killed off the dinosaurs worldwide?
  • The release of large amounts of volcanic gases causing climate change
  • The lava could have flowed right round the world, burning the dinosaurs to death
  • Eathquakes caused by the eruption would have created massive cracks in the ground that the dinosaurs fell into and died of starvation
  • A combination of all of them
The volcanic event that created the Siberian Traps appears to have created a major global warming event. Which of the following gases could have been released?
  • Carbon dioxide
  • Sulfur dioxide
  • Oxygen
  • Nitrogen
Mauna Kea is a volcano on the largest of the Hawaiian islands which lie in the middle of the Pacific tectonic plate. What type of volcano is it likely to be?
  • Deccan
  • Strombolian
  • Composite
  • Shield
How can you describe the lava from a shield volcano?
  • Viscous and basaltic
  • Viscous and andesitic
  • Low viscosity and basaltic
  • Low viscosity and andesitic
Yellowstone National Park in the USA is famous for its hot springs and geysers. It is nowhere near either a destructive or constructive plate boundary so which of the following is the most likely to be the source of heat?
  • The Sun
  • Nuclear waste
  • Fossil fuels
  • A hotspot
The hotspot volcano is a volcano on the island of Reunion in the Indian Ocean. This is very active and most years, lava from the volcano destroys the road that leads up towards the summit. This is an example of a:
  • primary effect
  • secondary effect
  • tertiary effect
  • all of the above
About 250 million years ago, almost all of the life on Earth became extinct. There was a massive volcanic eruption that lead to the formation of the Siberian Traps at the same time. Some geographers believe that the eruptions that created this geographical feature came from a hotspot volcano. Which of the following pieces of evidence might help to support that idea?
  • There is a huge crater at the centre of this feature
  • There were lots of layers of volcanic ash
  • The Siberian Traps are made up from basaltic lavas
  • The Siberian Traps are made from granite
Which of the following is a secondary effect of the eruption of a volcano?
  • Animals being suffocated by ash from a volcano
  • People being killed when the weight of ash on a roof causes it to collapse
  • A flock of sheep being killed by a pyroclastic flow
  • Trees in a forest uprooted and destroyed by a lava flow
Underwater hotspot volcanoes are:
  • shield volcanoes
  • composite cone volcanoes
  • stratified volcanoes
  • vesuvian volcanoes
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