The current, elected Pope represents the Catholic Church worldwide; Pope Francis is a ground-breaker on several scores ... all except which ONE of the following?
  • He took office while his predecessor (Benedict XVI) was still alive but had resigned
  • He was the first non-European Pope to be elected in over 1250 years (5/8 or so of the Christian era); the first from the Americas, and from the Southern Hemisphere
  • He became the first Jesuit Pope, though his past apparently included a stint as a nightclub bouncer in Buenos Aires
  • In keeping with his ethos of humility and equality, he has commissioned a panel of cardinals to reopen dialogue with other denominations about such issues as married &/or women priests
Non-Catholics (particularly those with no active other faith either) might scoff at Catholic people regularly spending time together in a Church ~ the typical parish building ~ which is isolated / exclusive, solemn, ornate, old-fashioned and generally out of keeping with the supposed spirit of our times. Which of the following appears the weakest &/or most unlikely Catholic response to such a challenge?
  • We all owe respect to God who has given us life and purpose: regular meeting to share and rejoice in this, with like-minded other people, is not only reasonable but necessary
  • Not all Catholic churches are physically old-fashioned or cluttered, though there may be plenty that seem so; but in any case, it's the quality and sincerity of living worship that count for most
  • We are guardians of a noble tradition, including many precious things offered to God. It would be disrespectful to Him and to our predecessors if we stopped, or even just downgraded, our worship
  • The Church (as a whole) is a mighty institution, and only at our own peril would we seek to break away from its teachings or practices
Any current pope, in our age of internet and jet aeroplanes, can (and, health permitting, is expected to) travel the globe to rally the faithful and exert moral and diplomatic pressure. What is the official call sign of any aircraft conveying the Pope?
  • Shepherd One
  • Holy Smoke
  • Papa Foxtrot
  • Vatican One
Which of the following would a Catholic not regard as broadly right and important? ONE of them is not so clearly a core belief as the others!
  • Free will is God-given, but needs to be developed and exercised in a godly way ('in tune with the Church')
  • It would therefore be possible, though misguided, to make selfish choices and shun God's grace
  • The (Catholic) Church is like a mother to the believer: comforting, correcting etc.
  • A Catholic's first loyalty is always to the Pope
What emblem on the papal flag refers to the rights and duties Jesus declared Peter would have, along with his successors and followers?
  • A pair of keys (representing a treasury and a prison), so that popes would have authority over everything with either good or bad potential
  • A papal hat, indicating general authority
  • The flame of Pentecost, commissioning missionary work across the globe
  • A book, representing the primacy of God's revelation through scripture
The United States of America, as we know and love them, are a young nation made up mainly of immigrants (or the descendants of relatively recent immigrants; apart, of course, from the native peoples who were already there before such settlers arrived). Their history and development have been much influenced by WASPS ('White Anglo-Saxon Protestants') and Jews among others, and this quiz happens to be being drafted in the closing weeks of the Obama presidency, which of course has been a historic 'first' on ethnic grounds. In amid all this, who has thus far been the only Catholic PotUS?
  • Richard Milhous Nixon
  • John F Kennedy
  • Calvin Coolidge
  • Thomas Adams
ONE of the following (as usual) has a temporarily intentional mistake in it, but otherwise this represents a list of Jesus' own declared expectations of what His faithful should be alert and prepared to do for others. In which answer is the 'rogue' element?
  • 'Feed the hungry; give drink to the thirsty ... '
  • ' ... Clothe the naked; give shelter to the homeless ... '
  • ' ... Visit the sick; share money with the poor ... '
  • ' ... Ransom the captive, and bury the dead.'
At time of writing, the Rio Olympics and Paralympics glow in the recent collective memory. Obviously there are many fine images of the sportspeople doing and achieving their 'thing' ... but what iconic feature of the landscape loomed over the whole venue?
  • Rio Cathedral
  • A Christian Cross, as part of the lantern for the Olympic Flame
  • The art-deco statue of Christ the Redeemer
  • Banners and placards proclaiming the host country as being 'the most Catholic' in the world
Wherever they are in the world, Catholics can depend on three principal pillars of their faith. As ever, we have snuck-in one element which should fairly clearly be somewhat less crucial or universal than the others: which ONE?
  • Faith in God's Revelation through scripture (i.e. the narratives and teaching)
  • The official edicts of the pope of the moment
  • Summa Theologica (strands of complementary, and reasonable, truth as codified by St Thomas Aquinas in the C13th)
  • Sacred Tradition (e.g. the Creeds, which, though clearly biblically-based and in keeping, are not themselves directly from within Holy Writ as they stand)
Churchgoing is clearly important for the cohesion and spiritual wellbeing of believers, but what else should Catholics be doing? ONE of the following (somewhat as usual) does not belong: which one?
  • In common with many faiths and denominations, Catholics are expected to give a proportion of their income to support the Church and its wider outreach activities (missionary initiatives; CAFOD, which is broadly the Catholic-specific counterpart to Oxfam, etc.)
  • Catholics are expected not only to uphold their Church's teaching on such issues as contraception (not allowed) and gay rights (e.g. to 'marriage': also not allowed) in their own personal lives, but also to devote time and energy to pressure groups on these issues in the wider arena
  • Individual Catholics need to receive the sacrament of Confession, ideally weekly before attending Mass
  • (Choose this answer if you believe ALL the others are in fact valid)
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