'To begin at the beginning ...': Which of the following is now accepted as factually true?
  • Jesus was born on 25 December at the end of the year 0 (or just possibly, '-1')
  • Three Kings came to pay homage to Him
  • (Both the above are true)
  • (Neither of the above is regarded as true)
Biblically speaking, we know nothing of the years between Jesus' pre-barmitzvah pilgrimage to Jerusalem (aged 12) and the baptism and start of His earthly ministry (15-18 years later). It seems fair to suppose that His earthly father Joseph died at some point during this time-gap: why so?
  • Joseph was already fairly old at the time of Jesus' birth, so might well have died of old age / illness, or an accident at work (he was a joiner / builder) by the time Jesus was into His twenties
  • Accounts of Jesus' later doings mention His mother Mary, but never mention Joseph, who becomes 'conspicuous by his absence'
  • Both of the above
  • Neither of the above; perhaps some other reason
Rarely do we see Jesus inside the Temple in the Gospels: indeed, probably only (a) when He lingered after the pilgrimage, apparently talking on equal terms with the old priests there while Mary and Joseph were worriedly searching back for Him, and (b) after the Triumphal Entry, when he openly criticised the traders in the forecourt. Cynical readers might criticise Jesus for being selfish &/or disobedient in the former instance, and losing His temper and being judgemental in the latter ... all behaviours He normally stood against. How might a Christian address these objections?
  • If (or since) Jesus was God, and could therefore do anything ... why shouldn't He worry His parents &/or get angry once in a while?
  • He needed to teach people a lesson, however important they thought they were (even His earthly family)
  • On each occasion He put the interests of His heavenly Father above those of more everyday human concerns
  • On both occasions He displayed 'righteous anger' (a display of strong feelings, on God's ultimate behalf)
What Jesus did during the 15+ years between the first Temple visit (as in question 3 above) and the start of His ministry, is completely unspecified in the Gospels ~ but therefore quite intriguing. (What was Jesus like as a teenager, for instance: did he sulk and bang doors, as many 'typical human teenagers' do?) There is at least one quite well-established legend ... at which point of the following, do you reckon, might one first have serious doubts about this story?
  • If Joseph died between Jesus' ages of 12 and around 30, we might fairly assume he did so about halfway during that span, i.e. when Jesus was barely into His twenties. We know from mentions later in the Gospel there were either younger half-siblings (natural children of Mary by Joseph) ~ or perhaps step-siblings from a previous marriage of the widower Joseph ~ and we may suppose that Jesus would have felt responsible for looking after these others, or at least supporting them and Mary, while helping carry on the family business in the building trade
  • We also know from later on (when Jesus was dead and needed burial) that an influential businessman and council member called Joseph of Arimathea made his grave available. It is believed that he had known, and perhaps supported, Jesus' earthly father Joseph through mutual involvement in the building business. If so, he might well have been saddened when 'father' Joseph died, and wanted to continue to support the young Jesus as a kindly mentor
  • Joseph of Arimathea had active interests in the export and import of construction materials such as lead and copper, which were not naturally available in the Holy Land. He had connections and contracts across the reach of the Roman Empire, right as far as the mines of southwestern Britain which produced copper and tin ~ useful materials for ornamental and decorative fittings on building projects, such as handles and hinges. Once others in Jesus' family were old enough to be left with Mary, Joseph could well have invited Him along on trade trips to inspect his supply chain and see some of the wider world
  • At some point in those fair few years, Joseph might indeed have brought Jesus to the shores of Britain to help inspect the tin-mines of our West Country. Hence William Blake's Romantic poem 'Jerusalem' which has almost become a second national anthem: 'And did those feet, in ancient time, walk upon England's mountains green ... ?'
Modern, or even recent-historical celebrities are usually recognised by their portraits: photographs (stills, or movie footage) in any significant case over about the past century-and-a-half, painted portraits &/or statues prior to that (e.g. of King Henry VIII). What do we know about the appearance of Jesus of Nazareth, after whose birth the whole internationally-accepted historical dating system is ~ albeit imperfectly ~ calibrated?
  • Absolutely nothing
  • The Gospels tell us He was slightly red-headed and wore a beard
  • There are one or two, very primitive if well-meant, contemporary portraits of Him; but they are so precious and delicate that the Church never releases them on show, nor for any form of photography or analysis
  • There is a strong tradition through classical art to modern films, that Jesus had pinkish skin and reddish hair ~ such as hardly seem typical of a hereditary Jew
Rather in similar spirit to pilgrimage journeys, many people have a hankering for relics: objects associated with great people ~ supremely, of course, Jesus, though also the saints. It may seem cynical to suggest that enough pieces of wood have been put forward as 'relics of the True Cross of Calvary' to re-make far more than one single gibbet, but one can understand the proponents' keenness. One particular surviving object appears to hold a very special fascination, in connection with the pivotal Passion story: what is it?
  • The crown of thorns
  • The Holy Grail
  • The Shroud of Turin (in which Jesus's body was buried after the crucifixion)
  • The table at which He celebrated the Last Supper
With the perspective of the past couple of centuries in Europe and worldwide, well might one ask 'Was Jesus a revolutionary?' Which of these would seem the fairest response?
  • No: He was God's Son who preached peace, and simply and sadly fell foul of contemporary authorities with their own agendas
  • No, because the Jews were wanting a 'Messiah' to overthrow the occupying Romans in a popular uprising, which He refused to do
  • Yes, because His preaching upturned people's usual expectations and behaviour ('Turn the other cheek'; 'the first shall be last', etc.)
  • Yes, because He was in frequent conflict with the powers of His day (Jewish religious leaders, Romans), yet even by putting Him to death they could not silence His message ... and nobody else has ever done that, before nor since
Over many centuries ~ more certainly the last handful or so ~ the Church has come to be seen (in many 'civilised countries') as an arm of the Establishment: with its professional, learned staff, its commanding position socially and architecturally in many communities, its patronage both of the creative arts and of charitable works (schooling, medical missions) etc. Yet this is the organisation founded in the name of someone whose own mother Mary, when told she was to bear God's Son into the world, gave thanks to that God 'who raises the humble, and puts down the mighty'. This urge to 'get back to helping the disadvantaged' in our modern world ~ instead of social stagnation, or the church 'feathering its own nest' ~ is right in line with much of Jesus' teaching and ministry. What is this Movement called?
  • The Freedom Movement
  • Liberation Theology
  • Religious Relief
  • The Work of the Servant
Keen evangelical ('born-again') Christians will rarely miss an opportunity to share their message, with ICHTHUS ('fish') signs on their cars and other belongings, and catchy tee-shirt slogans ('My foot is on the ROCK and my name is on the ROLL'). You may have seen or heard the acronym WWJD: what does this mean?
  • World Wide Jesus Denomination
  • Why would Jesus die? ('Only for you', presumably)
  • Who wants Jesus' destiny?
  • What would Jesus do?
In 1977 an iconic television miniseries was made by Franco Zeffirelli, entitled 'Jesus of Nazareth', with a star-studded cast. Obviously the casting of a suitable, credible and technically accomplished actor in the title role was pivotally important: Robert Powell was chosen for this honour, and by most accounts made a suitably creditable job of it. What was said to have been the clinching factor in the choice of this actor?
  • His good ear for the vocal cadence of the Aramaic language
  • The harmonious, yet quietly authoritative, shape of his body and hair
  • His clear, rarely-blinking grey-blue eyes
  • His own active Christian faith
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