Where are the Black Forests located?

Romans were the first to use the name "Black Forest.” The Roman soldiers were walking through Germany, and their path was blocked by a dark, dense forest. They called it "Silva Nigra,” which means "Black Forest" in their Latin language

In the Bible, the Kutsch Region of south Iraq was mentioned as what?

“Garden of Eden" with the construct element "of," the Hebrew text mentioned 'gan-beeden', which is not in the construct form, and that the preposition "be" in 'beeden' is to be translated as "in”.

Where is the maximum formation of the ozone hole?

The 'hole' that was discovered in Antarctica was over 29 million square kilometers, larger than Russia and Canada combined.

Papua New Guinea also includes which islands?

Papua New Guinea is made up of the eastern half of the Island of New Guinea, the islands of New Ireland, New Britain, and Bougainville, as well as neighboring smaller islands

In London, there is a futures and options trading exchange that operates the world's largest marketplace for trading base metals. What is it called?

London Metal Market and Exchange was first established above a hat shop in Lombard Court in London in 1877 and traded in tin, copper, and pig iron.

Where were 'Dykes' specially constructed?

Dike or dyke also has another word, a levee. It is a long wall or bank built to hold water or to separate land areas.

Which of the following countries does Helgoland belong to?

Helgoland or Heligoland is a small German group of islands in the North Sea. The islands have a population of only 1650.

Which among the choices is a part of the infrastructure sector?

Infrastructure is an important factor for productivity, safety, and satisfaction in a country, and Singapore was the country with the highest road quality in 2019.

The famous Yellowstone National Park is located in which U.S. state?

Yellowstone National Park is a hydrothermal and geologic park located in Wyoming, US, although it stretches towards Idaho and Montana.

Cut flowers, cut foliage, and flower bulbs are traded globally. Which of these is the hub of the global trade in cut flowers?

The Netherlands is the world's largest commercial producer of tulips, exporting around three billion each year.